[Zebedee-talk] [PATCH 0/3] merging-in our zebedee fork
Roman Hoog Antink
2014-05-10 22:50:39 UTC
Dear Neil

In 2010 I implemented IPv6 support for zebedee. By the low activity on the
mailing list I was led to believe you abandoned the project. There were no
commits in the repo since 2005. That's how our own fork of zebedee came to
exist on github https://github.com/basman/zebedee .

The following 3 patches stem from my effort to bring in two new features
and a small fix back to the main stream repo. I plan to remove my repo on
github eventually, as it introduced overlapping version numbers.

Please merge these patches.

Best regards

Andreas Jaggi (1):
fix openssl include when using system libraries

Roman Hoog Antink (1):
IPv6 support

Tabita Arn (1):
configure source IP of outgoing connections

Makefile | 17 +-
zebedee.c | 931 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
zebedee.pod | 11 +-
3 files changed, 717 insertions(+), 242 deletions(-)
Roman Hoog Antink
2014-05-11 12:33:46 UTC
The mailing list spam filter seems to block big patches (75kB).
The IPv6 patch can be found here:

Post by Roman Hoog Antink
Dear Neil
In 2010 I implemented IPv6 support for zebedee. By the low activity on the
mailing list I was led to believe you abandoned the project. There were no
commits in the repo since 2005. That's how our own fork of zebedee came to
exist on github https://github.com/basman/zebedee .
The following 3 patches stem from my effort to bring in two new features
and a small fix back to the main stream repo. I plan to remove my repo on
github eventually, as it introduced overlapping version numbers.
Please merge these patches.
Best regards
fix openssl include when using system libraries
IPv6 support
configure source IP of outgoing connections
Makefile | 17 +-
zebedee.c | 931 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
zebedee.pod | 11 +-
3 files changed, 717 insertions(+), 242 deletions(-)
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